We're committed to a clean and safe facility. Submit your health declaration
445 Marshall street, Phillipsburg New Jersey or
City View , Nazareth PA 18064
Tel: 609-582-0899
NJ South Coast Medical Center
Amazing Grace Medical Center
$425.00 2 ml ( starter vial )- select this vial for doses up to 50 units weekly for a months supply
$517.5 4.5 ml vial ( maintenance vial ) choose this vial for doses over 50 units per week and for refills.
Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist that promotes weight loss and helps to maintain weight loss by suppressing appetite.
Contraindications are
Endocrine tumors (MEN 2) or if someone in your family had these tumors
Eye disease, vision problems
Gallbladder disease
History of depression or mental health disease
History of pancreatitis
Kidney disease
Stomach or intestine problems
Suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempt; a previous suicide attempt by you or a family member
Thyroid cancer or if someone in your family had thyroid cancer
An unusual or allergic reaction to semaglutide, other medications, foods, dyes, or preservatives
Pregnant or trying to get pregnant